STEPPERS is a neo-noir graphic novel exploring themes of violence, civil unrest and personhood which weaves together classic characters from the public domain with gritty realism. STEPPERS ponders about what political resistance even looks like in the modern age.
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“STEPPERS” uses the public domain cartoons “Steamboat Willie” (1928), “Trolley Troubles” (1927) and associated characters as basis and inspiration as well as other public domain cartoons. STEPPERS is in no way associated with the Walt Disney Company, nor are any claims made against their trademarks. Promotional material created for STEPPERS occasionally contain satire and parody, through entirely fictional situations created by the writers and artists of this work. This work or any associated materials is not intended to describe actual events, persons or entities, or to suggest any association with or sponsorship by any person or entity.
Read the First 5 Chapters right now
After spending decades behind bars, Mickey has been released from prison. In a twisted turn of events, he must reckon with a public persona he does not recognize that poses an existential threat to all that he stands for.
Chapter 5: The Duel
Chapter 4: The Lucky Rabbit
Written by C. Clyde & Henry MillerArt by C. Clyde “STEPPERS” uses the public domain cartoons “Steamboat Willie” (1928), “Trolley Troubles” (1927) and associated characters as basis and inspiration as well as other public domain cartoons. STEPPERS is in no way...
Chapter 3: PUNCH
Written by C. Clyde & Henry MillerArt by C. Clyde “STEPPERS” uses the public domain cartoons “Steamboat Willie” (1928), “Trolley Troubles” (1927) and associated characters as basis and inspiration as well as other public domain cartoons. STEPPERS is in no way...
Chapter 2: A Derogation of Duty
Written by C. Clyde & Henry MillerArt by C. Clyde “STEPPERS” uses the public domain cartoons “Steamboat Willie” (1928), “Trolley Troubles” (1927) and associated characters as basis and inspiration as well as other public domain cartoons. STEPPERS is in no way...
Chapter 1: Mr. Esteem
Written by C. Clyde & Henry MillerArt by C. Clyde “STEPPERS” uses the public domain cartoons “Steamboat Willie” (1928), “Trolley Troubles” (1927) and associated characters as basis and inspiration as well as other public domain cartoons. STEPPERS is in no way...